Africa's 24 Wars

     Below is a list of ongoing armed conflicts in Africa:

     1. The Tigray War and Ethiopian-Sudanese conflicts are among the world's newest and deadliest conflicts.
     2. The 30-year Somali Civil War has caused over 500,000 deaths.
     3. The Insurgency in the Maghreb is a 20-year conflict stemming from the Algerian Civil War and consuming most of Central West Africa.
     4. The Kivu Conflict is another war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo stemming from the actions of the FARDC and FDLR.
     5. The Boko Haram Insurgency is a war waged by the Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria against the government there.
     6. The Libyan Civil War is a conflict in the process of being negotiated to an end stemming from the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
     7. The Mali War is a conflict aiming for greater autonomy for the northern part of the country.
     8. The Insurgency in Cabo Delgado is a conflict waged by militants seeking to establish a sovereign Islamic state in Mozambique near its border with Tanzania.
     9. The Katanga Insurgency is a 60-year conflict waged by rebel groups trying to create a separate nation in the DRC.
     10. The ADF Insurgency is another conflict in the DRC as well as neighboring Uganda.
     11. Communal conflicts in Nigeria have resulted in almost 20,000 deaths in just over 20 years.
     12. The Oromo Conflict is a long-standing conflict between Oromo nationalists and the government of Ethiopia.
     13. The War in Darfur is a famous conflict on the border of Sudan and South Sudan.
     14. The Blue Nile Conflict is another in Sudan.
     15/16. The Sinai Insurgency and Insurgency in Egypt are two ongoing conflicts resulting from the Arab Spring of 2011.
     17. The CAR Conflict is a war with rebels in the nation that has taken the lives of nearly 10,000 people.
     18. The Anglophone Crisis is a civil war between various ethnic groups in Cameroon.
     19. The Metekel Conflict is an armed war between various ethnic groups in Ethiopia.
     20. The Western Sahara Conflict is a decades-long, low-grade conflict regarding the status of Morocco and Western Sahara.
     21. The Cabinda War is a chronic set of skirmishes by rebels intent on Cabinda's independence from Angola.
     22. The LRA Insurgency is a mild, long-running conflict in the DRC and the CAR that resulted in 100,000 deaths in its peak before leader Joseph Kony, self-proclaimed profit, went into hiding.
     23. ISIL has killed several hundred people in Tunisia in an organized series of attacks since 2015.
     24. The Kamwina Nsapu Rebellion is a five-year rebellion waged against the government of the DRC. 
